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yellow rose Gretna


By Irish

yellow rose Gretna

Comments on this photo


~is there something you should be telling us Eileen?

26 Nov, 2008


Do you know kept looking at this and thinking it ll come to me Arlene .

Then the light bulb went on - think I must use those low energy types that flicker for ages - then Gretna of course .he he

26 Nov, 2008


lol naw guys it ok, no need to buy new hats

26 Nov, 2008


None of us would Irish we d all turn up in gardening clothes and tatty hats !

26 Nov, 2008


lol good Bonkers, do you think white wellies would look good with a wedding dress

26 Nov, 2008


~could do with a bit of a party spirit!~

26 Nov, 2008


~tell us the place and time!

26 Nov, 2008


a party would be good Arlene but not a wedding party lol

26 Nov, 2008


aw spoilsport!~we'll just have to make do with the party then!

26 Nov, 2008


Oh Irish - now you wicked lady just imagine what you ve started here !
This thread could run for years come on TT this is your area of expertise .

Thats an image that will stay with

26 Nov, 2008


~ was chatting with TT earlier and she said she was very tired and I think is having an early night~probably the best thing for her.

26 Nov, 2008


hopefully she gets a good nights sleep tonight

26 Nov, 2008


Oh thats fine Arlene didnt mean instantly - but once she sees the wellie connection the wedding connection etc she ll have Irish fixed up with Diarmud Gavin in no time !

26 Nov, 2008


~i think his wife might not be keen!

26 Nov, 2008


Is it back to work tomorrow?

26 Nov, 2008


Diarmud Gavin ????? nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

26 Nov, 2008


it was back to work today Arlene, just two lessons so wasnt too bad, have a full day tomorrow

26 Nov, 2008


Better let you go then . Night night .

26 Nov, 2008


its still early for me Bonkers, 3 or 4 hrs does me and noooooooo before you say anything i am no like Mrs Thatcher lol

26 Nov, 2008


~night Eileen !and no worries~not Dairmud Gavin!

26 Nov, 2008


Oh bless you nope my mind works in mysterious ways - but never connected you with Mrs Thatcher. Should I ?

26 Nov, 2008


ehhhhh NO, just folk always mention the Mrs thatcher never needed much sleep either

26 Nov, 2008


~well now you can go into politics Eileen~make a better job of it than current lot I'm sure!

27 Nov, 2008


couldnt do any worse thats for sure Arlene lol

27 Nov, 2008


Sorry missed the political discussion...

I slept for NINE HOURS solid, and am bouncing back here. :o)

White wellies ? Not sure if they make those.

When I have a spare week or two I'll check out the hundreds of Wellies on my GoY photo favourites and see if there are any white wellies for Irish.

Imagine the scene ~
A winter wedding ~ Bonkers as official photographer, the whole GoY Wellie Olympics team in the congregation. We'd need a cathedral to fit us all in!
Who shall be the flower girls and page boys ? I guess Irish would arrive driving her own red London Bus which she has ready for 2012.

And who will arrange the flowers ? Will Scotkat knit the wedding dress ?
More ideas please. .. we don't have a groom yet. LOL. :o)

27 Nov, 2008


~We can't arrange that bit,that's down to Eileen! but can't wait to see the dress and wellies~ I.m sure I have seen white somewhere!

27 Nov, 2008


I've checked all the wellies on my favourites.
Took me three hours.
It seems to be a short list of two ~
Either Jackie 46's white wellies with pink roses on 4th April 08,

or ~

Arlene, your Wisley Wellies uploaded on 29th October ~

White background with what appear to be cabbages and runner beans.
Have I correctly identified the decor ? What do you think ?
Which would be most suitable for the occasion. ? :o)

27 Nov, 2008


~ it will have to be the roses I think although cabbages havethe gardening touch....!

27 Nov, 2008


That's settled then.
I'm going to get someone to make the dress, which leaves you Arlene, with the simple task of finding the Best Man. :o)

27 Nov, 2008


~well to keep with the gardening theme and be like~ totally topical~ we should get Chris Beardshaw or Nick Knowles!

27 Nov, 2008


Can't have either of those till you have ascertained that neither of them is the groom....
or page boy :o)

27 Nov, 2008


I have a pair of white wellies with flowers peaches and leaves on if they are any help ! or if you need a spare pair :0)

27 Nov, 2008


Oh, Amy, you would be such a pretty bridesmaid wearing those. :o)

Have you uploaded a photo of those ones ?
I don't recall seeing them in my wellie photo collection.

27 Nov, 2008


Just making an extra comment to direct my dressmaker to the right place. Lol

27 Nov, 2008


Here I am now lets see need fur lined wellie s ti match this bonnie frock makin for .

I dina need anew hat got nice fastener wraon spellin getin tired :)

Gretna nae far from me unless we get alot of sna bettwer a summer do .

Yi widni nead wooly frock:)

Di yi understand jist hain abi tif fun wi my Scots accent Eileen:)

27 Nov, 2008


Irish will look beautiful in any dress, summer or winter.

Sorry, Eileen, we rather hijacked your rose photo .
Hope you don't mind. :o)

27 Nov, 2008


lol just been reading all the comments ,, not at all TT ye all did really well for just a picture of some roses lol

28 Nov, 2008


lol Kath, your accent is brilliant

28 Nov, 2008


But so is yours Eileen and I originate further north born and bred in the city of Aberdeen .

Least yi cin mak oot fit em sayin :)
For those who cant

At least you cant make out what I am saying :)

By the way Eileen your rose is lovely love the colour is it scented.

28 Nov, 2008


to be honest i dont know if its scented Kath, was too cold to have a sniff lol

28 Nov, 2008

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